Make Free Calls on iOS


Here some softwares I use on iPhone to make free phone calls. They are not like Skype, requiring both parties to install the software. Instead, you can call any landline or mobile phones directly, using these softwares, which is really good since my parents are only familiar with phones.


It was good when it provided with 60 minutes free call per day, but now it drops to 30 minutes — 0000-1800: 20 minutes, 1800  - 2400: 10 minutes.

-地域要求:微微免费网络电话现在支持免费拨打中国,美国,加拿大,印度,新加坡等国家,其它国家微微正在努力开通,建议您推荐对方安装微微,这样 可以享受不受时间限制的免费通话和信息收发。

2 maaii:

 I use this one most nowadays. It gives out 1.9 USD everyday, which is equivalent to 100 minutes call.